Dear Golf Friends and Students,
I am very excited to introduce my new website to you.
After 7 years as the Dirctor of instruction for the Migros Golf Academy, I have decided to become a freelance coach to better serve my current and prospective students and to have a new challenge for myself in the world of high performance sports and coaching.
More details of my future plans will be given shortly, but in the between time, I've created a golf travel program for the fall and winter 2013/14 and hope to greet many familiar and new faces in some beautiful golf destinations. I have previously worked together with the tour operator Sam Golf Time with great results and have created some very nice golf packages that I hope will be interesting to my customers. I believe the prices and destinations will be very convincing!
I wish everyone a successful golf season and please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.
All the best
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