In this article I want to explain two different ways to solve difficult situations on slopes. The first one, the Classic style is already used since a long time. The second one, the new style was developed by one of the recognized PGA's of Europe and is only a couple of years old.
Choose yourself which way suits you better.
Classic Style:
Stand upright to the slope, so your right shoulder is deeper than usual. From this starting position you are able to swing parallel to the slope without taking the risk to hit the slope to hard after impact. During your backswing try to swing down the slope and at your downswing and follow through you should swing the hill upwards. Due this your weight will be a more on the right foot through impact and a small draw will be the result. So don't forget to aim a bit right of your target. Also you have to consider taking a different club as the slope also changes the loft of your club. A 6 iron will easily get an 8 iron. So choose your club wisely!
New Style:
Here are the shoulders also parallel to the slope, but we open the stance a bit. That means our toes are not parallel anymore, instaed we take the left foot a bit back in stance so we have more space for our follow through. The rest is the same as the classic style.
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